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EMSINA has multiple Groups that reside under the National Group.  All Groups are organised in a professional and transparent manner and operate under a similar structure and manner to the National EMSINA Group.


The Groups meet individually on a regular basis. The members form professional relationships and an in-depth knowledge of how spatial information is used across the Emergency Management Sector. Each member also has opportunities to actively participate in specialised spatially related projects specific to that Group. 


All of EMSINA Group's have at least one National representative.  These members report the Group's progress, issues/ideas and accomplishments at each National meeting.


Membership to these Groups is open to all government spatial or coding professionals who work within or have a direct professional interest in the Emergency Management sector.


For more information about, or how to join a Group, please refer to the information below:

National Developers

EMSINA National Developers Group

The EMSINA Developers Group brigs together technical staff from Australia state, territory and federal government agencies in the spatial sector who are directly invovled in emergency management. The Group aims to facilitates networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration across agencies and jurisdictions.


When and how often do you meet?

  • The EMSINA Developers Group holds an annual workshop each winter.


Who should attend this Group? 

  • Any relevant technical/spatial developer staff employed by a government body.


Benefits of participating in the National Developers Group:

  • Increased opportunities to network with likeminded people from across the country

  • To share technical knowledge and knowhow for the benefit of the Australian emergency management community.

Group Contacts:

Programming Console

EMSINA Victoria Group

Victoria’s emergency management community, supports improved emergency management through the use and promotion of location based information, services and capabilities


When and how often do you meet?

  • Twice per year (April and October)


Who should attend this Group? 

  • Victorian government representatives from the spatial industry who have a direct professional interest in emergency management and national security matters


Benefits of participating in the National Developers Group:

  • For improved connection and collaboration with Victorian EM Spatial Sector professionals

Group Contacts:

Melbourne Cityscape

EMSINA Queensland Group

The EMSINA Queensland Group focuses on the presentation of key developments across industry, identifying new information and data sources, and building connections between members to encourage the data sharing relationships and informal spatial stakeholder networks.


When and how often do you meet?

  • The group meet semi-annually, typically before and after the high risk weather season.


Who should attend this Group? 

  • The group is open to spatial managers and practitioners in emergency and disaster management across Local and State Government Agencies and infrastructure providers. Industry experts and other guest presenters will often be invited to meetings to showcase new developments or high value projects.


Benefits of participating in the National Developers Group:

  •  The EMSINA Queensland Group is focused on highlighting the excellent work agencies and industry undertake and bringing learnings and connections to the table for the benefit of Queenslanders.

Bridge over a City

EMSINA Law Enforcement Group

The Law Enforcement Group is a collection of Geospatial Specialists from Law Enforcement Agencies across Australia who are working together to leverage off each other's hard-earned experience to produce consistent and efficient outcomes to protect the Australian Populus.


When and how often do you meet?

  • The group meet quarterly and at a time of agreed convenience, typically in association with EMSINA National meetings.


Who should attend this Group? 

  • The group is open to spatial managers and practitioners in Policing and other Law Enforcement Agencies across Australia and New Zealand.


Benefits of participating in the National Developers Group:

  • The benefit of attendance to this group is to share skills, knowledge and experience, identify common points of difficulty and to cooperatively develop solutions that can be shared. This will develop consistency between State and Federal agencies. Common solutions will lead to better more consistent and more defensible outcomes.

Group Contacts:

Police Car
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