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EMSINA Membership

Membership is open to all Australian state, territory and federal government representatives from the spatial industry who have a direct professional interest in emergency management and national security matters.

EMSINA Membership Benefits


  • Opportunity to participate in Group meetings.

  • Opportunity to be recognised as part of Australia’s longest standing EM Spatial Group.

  • Collaboration with EM spatial professionals with hundreds of collective years’ of on the ground (on the tools) experience.

  • Ability to participate in shaping and developing the key National and State/Terriroty EM spatial projects.



  • Ability to network and create strong professional bonds that tie the Australian EM community together during times of crisis.



  • Opportunity to share experiences with people who have a common understanding.

  • Ability to listen to and learn firsthand from experiences following major events.

  • Ability to crate test products with the newest ESRI AGOL tools and products.

  • Opportunity to receive regular Member only information that highlight a range of EM spatial topics.


Giving Back:

  • EMSINA Members are encouraged to give back to the EM spatial community through involvement in:

    • AFAC Conference.

    • Annual National Lesson Learned Project.

    • State and Territory based workshops..



  • Ability to request peer assistance during times of crisis.

  • Ability to access a range of Member only tools/capabilities/contacts.

  • Ability to share in discounted software licences programs.

EMSINA Membership - Member Expectations

EMSINA National Membership does come with expectations. Since the formation of EMSINA in 2002 its Members have been expected to:


  • Actively contribute to meetings

  • Provide Agency/Jurisdictional Updates for every meeting

  • Participate in EMSINA Group Projects

  • Relay EMSINA related information to interested parties within your Agency / Jurisdiction

  • Host or assist in hosting a meeting every 2 to 3 years

  • Pay for their own travel (flights, accommodation, spending monies) to attend meetings.

EMSINA Membership - Apply

Select which Group you would like to become a Member too.

© 2024-26 website created and maintained by EMSINA and sponsored by Geoscience Australia

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