The Raster and Imagery team within the National Location Information Branch, Geoscience Australia have recently completed the next three catchment-scale elevation models at 5m resolution. The Hasting, Karuah and Manning River catchments located on the mid north NSW coast are now all available to download via the Elvis Elevation and Depth platform. These complement the previously released Bellinger River (North coast NSW), MacLeay River (North coast NSW) and the Georges River (Sydney) catchments.
The digital elevation models show these catchments in new detail, allowing users to visualise water flow at regional scale and assist to determine the potential movements of fires. All invaluable data to help manage water movement and bushfire events.
Each catchment is delivered as a single dataset made up of thousands of individual input data from the Elvis system, with metadata that enables users to identify and review the original datasets the catchment was built from.
More catchments will be released by Geoscience Australia in 2025.
